Company Name | Ratio | Ranking |
National Insurance Company | 196% | Strong | B |
Trust International Insurance Company | 189% | Strong | B |
Tamkeen Palestinian Insurance Company | 171% | Strong | B |
Global United Insurance Company | 169% | Strong | B |
Al-Takaful Palestinian Insurance Company | 153% | Adequate | C |
Al-Mashreq Insurance Company | 144% | Adequate | C |
Al-Ahleia Insurance Group | 138% | Adequate | C |
Palestine Insurance Company | 107% | Weak | E |
Al-Baraka Islamic Insurance Company | 52% | Very weak | F |
Solvency Ratio | Ranking |
More than 200% | Very Strong | A |
161%-199% | Strong | B |
130%-160% | Adequate | C |
116%-129% | Inadequate | D |
100%-115% | Weak | E |
Less than 100% | Very weak | F |
*The minimum Solvency Ratio required is 130% (Adequate)
The Capital Market Authority is an institution that enjoys legal personality, financial and administrative independence, and legal performance in Article No. 2 of the Capital Market Authority Law No. 13 of 2004.
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